Where are my Remote Gworls at??
Hey Hi Hello Who What's up How in the hell is everyone doingggggg? The days are moving so fast, yet so slow. It's giving very much 2021 in italics. As some may know, I started a new job in November of 2021, and it's fully remote! So no early morning commuting for me honeyyy. I mean, I was remote working for most of 2020 and 2021 but still. I think we can all (most of us) say that working from home has been the best thing since Back that Ass up dropped in the early 2000s. You were able to save money, spend money, work on at-home projects, watch TV, take naps, order Uber Eats (they stay taking all my damn money), wear sweatpants, gain weight, lose weight, and more; like gworl, I can go on and on. And as someone that is a homebody, LORD JESUS, this is the lifeeeeeee babyyyy. Working remotely has been interesting for me. I love not having to rush for the train and trying to squeeze my cute ass in with all them people. Or waiting in line in that aggressive ass Dunkin line t...