Thoughts on working from home
Hey everyone, I hope all is well.
We are at the start of a new week. I hope y'all are making it to Friday!
Well the world is "slowly" opening up and everyone is starting to go about their business as usual. I always know that people are starting to go back to work from being furloughed or figuring new jobs.
For me, I have very blessed to be able to work from home over the past 5 months of this ongoing pandemic. So I thought I would share some of my thought during my time at home
At first, HUNTYYY, I was LIVINGGGG for it. I didn't have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning. Running to make it to the train and then another train and then a bus. I loved not having to plan out an outfit for work (I normally don't but you know). I didn't have to get a bag ready for work. I could eat what I want for lunch. I mean I was living it UPPPP.
Then work started to get a little crazy because I mean the fashion industry was hit like a mother and we were all trying to figure out how things were going to pan out. I started to work more than normal just trying to keep up with everything. I was starting to feel the burn baby.
When the weekend hit, I would try to relax but I still had worked on my mind. It was like, "Well if I am not doing anything, I might as well do some work, right?"
And because I was doing that, I was started to feel HELLA BURNT OUT, like a hot dog left on the grill for WAY to damn long, burnt out.
So I started to take steps to reclaim so of my time back. When it's 5:00 pm I wait for 25 to 30 minutes just to make sure nothing comes up. Then I shut my computer all the way down. I only turn my computer on when I have work. I make a "To-Do List" before starting my workday which helps to complete important tasks first.
I made it a point to put myself first babyyyyy.
So just remember to put yourself first and...
Love yo'self, Respect yo'self, Trear yo'self,
IG: jordantwynn
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