Life After...

I didn’t know if I wanted to make a video about this or make a blog post about it.

I am going to be talking about trying to find a job after college. I had been looking for a job for 1 year and 3 months until I found the job I am at now. It’s not my dream job but its somewhere I can see myself hopefully growing with.

Within that 1 year and 3 months, I worked at two different retail stores and did one internship. Each place I worked at I thought I could see myself working there for a long period of time but it didn’t work out.

I have applied to numerous jobs and have been on countless interviews. It was an emotional roller coaster that I thought would never stop. I mean it doesn’t, but at some point you are going to need to get off.

Every interview that I went on and didn’t get that job broke me down to the point where I thought I wasn’t good enough. I would ask myself “What the fuck is the problem? Is it because I don’t have experience? Is it because “I don’t fit in, is it because I am fat, black or whatever”? It got to the period where going on interviews was my job within looking for a job. I meant I was working but even working where I had been made me feel less than.

Yes, it was retail and I am not saying that if you work in retail that it’s a bad job. Some people love working retail. It just wasn’t a place where I could show my creativity.
If you’re someone that is creative, working somewhere that is not literally dims your light. That is why I blog and do YouTube (when I can, mama is making her COIN).

I say all this to the people that just graduated from high school or college, please, please, pretty please remember that you are good enough. You are special. You are fucking amazing. Like you graduated not many people can say that they did that.

Remember that looking for a job takes time and not all jobs are going to be the one. My ass went through three like Jesus take the wheel. If something doesn’t work out it is okay. Keep looking and keeping believing in yourself.

Make sure that you have a strong support system like I did. When something didn’t work or I didn’t get the job, I always had someone there telling how special I was. Telling me to never give up and to keep chasing my dreams.

Also, remember that with any opportunity you get, make sure you take something from it that will help you with the next opportunity that comes your way. Don’t feel ashamed of the opportunity that comes your way no matter how small or what your title is.

Don’t give up and believe in yourself. Like my mother is always telling me “In the midst of everything, be kind to yourself”

Congratulations to the Class of 2017 and remember to…

Love yo’self, Respect yo’self, Treat yo’self


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